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Text by Lee Lane
I see this question from time to time when it comes to where and how writers, artisans, singers, songwriters etc. get their inspiration?
I've seen it answered in many different and wonderful ways. The following is my take on where and how inspiration comes:
Here goes--
Eating at Restaurants:
Have you ever been seated in a restaurant waiting for your order when all of a sudden something someone says in the next booth or table near you pops into your ear. No, I don't mean eavesdropping. I simply mean that something about what someone says or even the way that they say it stands out.
This happens when I go to church or other places, too. Wherever there are people having conversations or giving talks, something someone says will generally stand out in a way that I feel inspired.
A good example of this would be the time I heard two girls talking about something.
"Today! Today I saw her!."
"Yes! She was so beautiful -- "
Well, instantly my mind went into high gear creating a scene that's in the second book of this series.
Web Wandering:
Might start out as -- Ooh! I wonder how much a migrating swallow actually
can carry? But then as I'm researching that little germ of an idea something that pertains to what I'm writing or what I might like to write pops out at me all come hither like. So I grab hold of that with a C and a P into a Wordpad Document and, 1. file it away or, 2. use it right then and there.
And sometimes it's a song that captures a mood, a feeling, the emotion of an interaction enabling me to distill it into my own words and scenes.
So, I think the answer to the question that started this blog entry is simply this: inspiration can come from anywhere and everywhere -- so get ready, set -- GO!
Get out there and tell your own story, paint your own painting, sing your own song, start your own business or whatever else your heart is telling you to do.
Have a beautiful rest of your Sunday, my friends!