But even during the hard times of 2013, I felt Heavenly Father's mercy throughout all of these "life moments." I also found myself inspired to write, so, actually, I don't have any excuses as to why I didn't stay on target.
It just goes to show that you never know what's coming around the bend.
I apologize for the delay. But the book has turned into more than I expected it to be and for that I don't apologize. I expected it to be a fairly straightforward story, but it has turned into something a little more complex than that.
So, what I'm going to promise is that I will do my best to complete it sometime in 2014. I want it out there yesterday! But I, and I hope you, will be patient and allow this to be more than a story that is rushed and unedited.
I know I did promise other things, though, and one is on its way, a surprise. Also, I had a contest in mind, but that fell by the wayside when I realized it could prove problematic in a legal sense. I will try to come up with other things that will be fun but, mostly, I'm just going to keep writing and get this thing done!
Thank you so much for your prayers and, I hope, your patience.
With love and warmth,
Lee Lane
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