Friday, September 6, 2013

Cherish Update - Sailing Right Along

So I'm looking through my posts here on my Cherish Blog and what do I see? I've only been doing Music Monday posts for the last several postings. How boring is that? Don't answer that. Well, you can if ya want to.

I hope the music has been interesting to all of you, at least.

This made me realize that I best get on the ball here and do something about it. I promised updates on my novel's progress and so forth when I first started this blog and I want to keep my promise.

Progress has been good. I'm very pleased with the results thus far. I have the course laid and the ship that is my novel, Cherish, is sailing right along.

I wanted to publish within this year, but I don't think that's possible at this point. I could have it done by February or March in 2014, mostly due to copyrighting it. That takes six months, and that wasn't something that I figured into my original resolution to publish within 2013. That's something I only found out a couple of months ago.

I would lament that but for the fact that certain aspects of the storyline have been "delivered" to me when they could not have come at any other time. In other words, this book has been revealing itself to me at its own pace. I would be researching something completely unrelated to my novel when all of a sudden there would be a piece of the Cherish puzzle I didn't even realize existed right there before my eyes.

I want to do a launch for the novel in June 2014. There's a reason for that, but you'll have to read the story to find out what it is. ;-)

Well, until next time, which I promise won't be so long in coming --

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